NJOY Automation – pyne.njoy

Automatic generation of Njoy input data, including dragr data. Generation of DRAGLIB and ACELIB.
This code was originally distirbuted under the LGPL license (below). However, we have been given written permission from the author Alain Herbert to redistribute it under PyNE’s BSD license.
Original Copyright:
Copyright (C) 2003 Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version

All functionality may be found in the njoy package:

from pyne import njoy

The information below represents the complete specification of the classes in the njoy module. For examples of usage, please refer to the User’s Guide entry for NJOY Automation.

Njoy99 Class

class pyne.njoy.Njoy99[source]

Generate ACE-format cross section libraries using the MODER, RECONR, BROADR, PURR (if dilutions present), THERMR, and ACER modules.


Process burnup data for the complete library. This requires a file whose name starts with chain, e.g. chaincandu, that contains information about the energy from all isotopes generated using single DRAGR runs. The ‘chain’ file is generated automatically.


Generate a DRAGLIB file using the MODER and DRAGR modules and add/update the new isotopic data in the DRAGLIB file.

Parameters :

fp : int

If fp is 1, the scattering information are stored as diagonal matrices in the DRAGLIB.


Generate photo-atomic (gamma) group ENDF file using the MODER, RECONR, and GAMINR modules.


Generate a multigroup GENDF file using the MODER and GROUPR modules. This requires that the pendf() method has already been called.

Parameters :

eaf : int

If eaf is 1, simplified processing is performed to be compatible with the EAF nuclear library.


Creates a PENDF, GENDF, and DRAGLIB file for a single fission product.

Parameters :

eaf : int

If eaf is 1, simplified processing is performed to be compatible with the EAF nuclear library.


Generate an ASCII MATXS file using the MODER and MATXSR modules.


Generate a pointwise PENDF file from the ENDF raw data using the MODER, RECONR, BROADR, PURR (if dilutions present), and THERMR modules. This is the starting point for all other datatype generations including DRAGLIB, ACE, WIMSD, etc.

Parameters :

eaf : int

If eaf is 1, simplified processing is performed to be compatible with the EAF nuclear library.

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