ORIGEN 2.2 I/O Support

ORIGEN has many different file formats that it either takes as inputs or writes as outputs. PyNE supports a functional interface to the most common of these. This allows easy manipulation and hooking of ORIGEN with other codes. This is primarily useful with regards to benchmarking.

Most of the functions in this module either take or return structured dictionaries of data. Please refer to the reference API for more information on how these are structured. If you would like to see other parts of ORIGEN supported, please contact the developers. Current support includes:

  • TAPE4 generation
  • TAPE5 irradiations
  • TAPE6 reading / parsing
  • TAPE9 reading, merging, and writing

Example of Use

This example irradiates 1 kg of water for 1000 days in ORIGEN 2.2, increasing the capture cross section of Hydrogen-1 by 10% each time. The Hydrogen-2 concentration is then gathered and displayed. This example may be found in the source tree as examples/origen22_h1_xs.py. Note that in this example, the 'BASE_TAPE9.INP' file must be supplied by the user. Additionally, the execution path for ORIGEN (here o2_therm_linux.exe) may differ by system and platform:

from subprocess import check_call

from pyne import origen22
from pyne.api import Material

# 1 kg of water
water = Material()
water.from_atom_frac({'H1': 2.0, 'O16': 1.0})
water.mass = 1E3

# Make a tape4 file for water

# Make a tape 5 for this calculation
#   * Just output the concentration tables
#   * The cross-section library numbers must
#     the library / deck numbers in tape9
origen22.write_tape5_irradiation("IRF", 1000.0, 4E14,
                                 xsfpy_nlb=(381, 382, 383),

# Grab a base tape9 from which we will overlay new values
# This must be supplied by the user
base_tape9 = origen22.parse_tape9("BASE_TAPE9.INP")

base_h1_xs = base_tape9[381]['sigma_gamma'][10010]

# Init a dumb overlay tape9
overlay_tape9 = {381: {'_type': 'xsfpy',
                       '_subtype': 'activation_products',
                       'sigma_gamma': {10010: base_h1_xs},

# Run origen, increasing the cross section each time.
h2_concentration = []
for i in range(11):
    overlay_tape9[381]['sigma_gamma'][10010] = (1.0 + i*0.1) * base_h1_xs

    # Merge the base and overlay, and write out
    new_tape9 = origen22.merge_tape9([overlay_tape9, base_tape9])
    origen22.write_tape9(new_tape9, 'TAPE9.INP')

    # Run and parse origen output
    rtn = check_call(['o2_therm_linux.exe'])
    tape6 = origen22.parse_tape6('TAPE6.OUT')

print "H2 Concentration: ", h2_concentration

Further information on the ORIGEN module may be seen in the library reference ORIGEN 2.2 Support – pyne.origen22.

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