Simple Simulation Input

This package aids the creation, and modification, of input files for common nuclear science and engineering codes. Currently, only MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport) is supported.

This page presents an overview of the simplesim package, including a discussion of why it was made, how it is used, and some examples. This guide is not intended by any means to be a replacmenet for a specific code’s own documentation.

It is expected that when using this package, the user has the library reference, at Simple Simulation Input – pyne.simplesim, open. The reference contains descriptions and examples of every card that is implemented.

If you are interested in developing this package further or are looking for information about the state of development, visit Simple Simulation Input – pyne.simplesim and/or contact the developers.


Some may feel that it is fairly easy and straight-forward to create input files for the popular codes in nuclear science and engineering. However, the following functionality may be desirable:

  1. Card numbers are managed automatically using card names, like how labels and references work in LaTeX.
  2. An object-oriented interface that allows changes to the input to be made only in one place.
  3. An abstract way to define a system and the simulation of the system that does not depend on a specific code’s syntax. It is truly valuable to be able to define a reactor in a way that can be used to generate input for two or more different codes. However, the definition is not necessarily generalizable across different codes.
  4. The input is persisent and amenable to modification (e.g. for parameter space studies).

This package aims to achieve these four objectives. Currently, only MCNP is supported.


The structure of the package, showing key methods, is illustrated in the following diagram (the pyne.simplesim.nestedgeom module is omitted). The basic unit of input for a simulation is a card, and there is a slew of cards in the module. The cards are added to defintions, and the definition is handed over to an input file object which actually creates the input file.

An input file is generated by the following procedure:

  1. System-related cards are created directly.
    1. Material cards.
    2. Surface cards.
    3. Regions are formed from the surfaces using cards.ISurface.neg, cards.ISurface.pos, and the overloaded operators & (the magic method __and__) and | (the magic method __or__).
    4. The regions (surface combinations) and materials are combined into cells.
  2. The cell cards are added to a definition.SystemDefinition using definition.SystemDefinition.add_cell(). This automatically adds the necessary materials and surfaces to the system.
    1. If the user wants to provide materials or surfaces in the system that are not used in cells, they can do so manually using definition.SystemDefinition.add_material() and definition.SystemDefinition.add_surface().
  3. Simulation cards are created directly. If looking for a card for which you only know its name in a specific code (i.e. MCNP), just search for that name in the library reference; the reference contains the name of the cards in the specific codes.
    1. Particle sources (and related source distributions).
    2. Tallies/detectors.
    3. Other cards.
  4. Add the simulation cards to a definition.SimulationDefinition, passing to this the system definition. If writing an MCNP input, definition.MCNPSimulation should be used.
  5. Create an object of a inputfile.IInputFile, passing a simulation definition.
  6. Call the inputfile.IInputFile.write() method.
  7. Modify the input (i.e. for parameter studies) by simply modifying the attributes of the cards.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

Card names must be unique within their category
Each card has a name. Usually, the user provides the name (see below about unique cards). Within a category (material, surface, cell, source, distribution, tally, misc, transformation, etc.), the card name must be unique. Card names are used to reference the card in other cards. The name functions like labels do in LaTeX: instead of having the user provide numbers to identify cards, the code manages the card numbers using user-provided card names.
Unique cards
Some cards are unique, meaning there can only be one of them in the simulation. Logically, then, the user cannot define a name for these cards, and the names are set by the card definition.
User custom cards
The packages does not attempt to cover the entire functionality of the code(s) it supports. Therefore, there is provision for the user to create their own custom cards. This can be done in two ways: (1) using custom cards, or (2) using inputfile.IInputFile.add_user_card() and inputfile.IInputFile.add_user_literal().


In general, a definition, or the cards that make up the definition, can be modified at any point, and a new input file can be generated with these changes. This makes it easy to do parameter space studies and the like. See the examples to see how this is done.

Furthermore, if the functionality of a card is silly, the user can override it themselves. Say the user does not like how the method cards.ICellSurfTally.mcnp() works: a method can be overloaded by subclassing the card and overloading the method.


These pages contain examples of how the package is expected to be used. The examples all come from pyne/examples/

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